The Texas Water Resources Institute (TWRI) along with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service’s Department of Soil and Crop Sciences and the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering developed the Texas Well Owner Network (TWON) designed to deliver a science-based, community-responsive education curriculum. It focuses on protecting ground water quality, aquifer integrity, and complements the successful Texas Watersheds Stewards program by emphasizing best management practices (BMPs). Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will offer voluntary private water well screening events and TWON trainings. As a result, participants have a better understanding of the relationships between practices in or near wells and the quality of water available for drinking and irrigation.
The goal of the Preventing Water Quality Contamination through the Texas Well Owner Network project is to train Texans regarding water quality and BMPs for protecting their wells and surface waters. This will avert off-site transport of contaminants to surface waters, prevent contamination of underlying aquifers, and safeguard the health of landowners and their families.
Download the brochure or fact sheet for more information.